Ditambahkan: Denis Rubinov
Versi: 4.3.10
Ukuran: 70.5 MB
Diperbarui: 31.01.2024
Developer: NordVPN S.A.
Batasan Usia: Everyone
Diunduh di Google Play: 1595531
Kategori: Kerja
NordPass adalah pengelola kata sandi yang aman dari pembuat NordVPN. Memungkinkan Anda menyimpan data login untuk situs yang Anda butuhkan dalam penyimpanan aman dan menyinkronkannya dengan perangkat Anda yang lain.
Bagaimana NordPass dapat membantu Anda
Program ini memungkinkan Anda untuk menyingkirkan dua masalah sekaligus: dari kemungkinan kehilangan kata sandi dari layanan penting dan dari kebutuhan untuk terus menyimpan semua kata sandi Anda di jaringan. Simpan saja informasi login Anda ke situs atau layanan yang Anda butuhkan di versi terbaru NordPass, dan aplikasi akan menyimpan data rahasia Anda di penyimpanan aman yang hanya tersedia untuk Anda. Pada saat yang sama, Anda akan mendapatkan akses ke penyimpanan dari ponsel cerdas, tablet, atau komputer mana pun. Bersamaan dengan ini, aplikasi dapat secara otomatis mengganti data otorisasi di bidang yang sesuai di situs web, yang secara signifikan akan menghemat waktu Anda dan menghilangkan kebutuhan untuk mengingat kata sandi sendiri.
Fitur utama:
- Menggunakan brankas terenkripsi pribadi Anda untuk menyimpan kata sandi untuk berbagai layanan dan situs web.
- Otorisasi pada situs dan layanan yang relevan dalam satu ketukan.
- Akses sandi tersimpan dari perangkat Anda.
- Menyimpan sandi secara otomatis.
- Fitur untuk mengisi otomatis password atau informasi billing.
- Masuk ke Personal Vault dengan sidik jari.
- Memeriksa kata sandi di database kebocoran.
- Memeriksa kekuatan kata sandi.
- Pindai kartu bank untuk menyimpan detail pembayaran Anda semudah mungkin.
- Kemampuan untuk berbagi kata sandi dengan pengguna aplikasi lainnya.
Aplikasi Android NordPass benar-benar gratis untuk diunduh, tetapi beberapa fitur hanya tersedia jika Anda berlangganan versi premium produk.
Aplikasi NordPass® Password Manager diperiksa oleh antivirus VirusTotal. Sebagai hasil pemindaian, tidak ada infeksi file yang terdeteksi oleh semua tanda tangan terbaru.
Cara memasang NordPass® Password Manager
- Unduh file APK aplikasi dari apkshki.com.
- Temukan file yang diunduh. Anda dapat menemukannya di baki sistem atau di folder 'Download' menggunakan manajer file apa pun.
- Jika file yang diunduh berekstensi .bin (bug WebView di Android 11), ubah namanya menjadi .apk menggunakan pengelola file apa pun atau coba unduh file dengan browser lain seperti Chrome.
- Mulai penginstalan. Klik pada file yang diunduh untuk memulai penginstalan
- Izinkan penginstalan dari sumber yang tidak dikenal. Jika Anda menginstal untuk pertama kalinya NordPass® Password Manager bukan dari Google Play, buka pengaturan keamanan perangkat Anda dan izinkan penginstalan dari sumber yang tidak dikenal.
- Lewati perlindungan Google Play. Jika proteksi Google Play memblokir penginstalan file, ketuk 'Info Lebih Lanjut' → 'Tetap instal' → 'OK' untuk melanjutkan..
- Selesaikan penginstalan: Ikuti petunjuk penginstal untuk menyelesaikan proses penginstalan.
Cara memperbarui NordPass® Password Manager
- Unduh versi baru aplikasi dari apkshki.com.
- Cari file yang diunduh dan klik file tersebut untuk memulai penginstalan.
- Instal di atas versi lama. Tidak perlu menghapus instalasi versi sebelumnya.
- Hindari konflik tanda tangan. Jika versi sebelumnya tidak diunduh dari apkshki.com, pesan 'Aplikasi tidak terinstal' mungkin muncul. Dalam kasus ini, hapus instalan versi lama dan instal versi baru.
- Mulai ulang lampiran NordPass® Password Manager setelah pembaruan.
Ulasan untuk NordPass® Password Manager
The app is running fine, I love the security that is securing my passwords. One thing I want to criticize is the auto-fill feature. Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not. When it does not work I have to open the app, must be a bug. Also I can not change NordPass to be my default password handler, which is a pain. Other than that it works like most, missing a few features but I know my data is safe.
Only 1 device and no sync without paid subscription. There's big discounts for the first time paid subscriptions and then the prices are astronomically, way way to much. Not even a discount if you're already using their NordVPN app. I'm going to pay for the 1Password password manager app. It has a much more reasonable price. I've been using it for around two weeks and it works fast and easily :-)
Been using for a week now, so far a really solid app. Tried many others, and NordPass has delivered the best user experience, and has a great UI. There are some minor improvements that could be made (e.g. don't auto-add a space after the period when inputting new pw url, and the auto-fill list that pops up could be lower on the screen for easier access), but they're handling the core functionality better than most. Seems like they're actively working on improvements too. Keep up the good work!
Edit: it appears autofill works in apps if you have the app name saved. Increased rating from 4 stars to 5. ---------Works really well. The only annoyance I have is that it doesn't work automatically on non-browser apps. It's easy enough to go into the nordpass app copy/past the password but would still be nice if it worked the same as in a web browser. Same goes for the desktop version but it's less of an issue because you're more likely to need a password on your browser rather than an app.
UPDATE: OK, this is now I think better than the others. Highly recommended. Great over other apps; fewer issues than I had with lastpass. BUT just a little irritating with NordAccount not being completely ironed out. I thought the point was to keep track of fewer. Update: much improved!! Wait a year. No where near the polish and functionality as the alternatives like Lastpass. I love NordVPN, but this is not at an acceptable performance level yet.
After lots of growing pains, it works great! At first any password manager app takes some time getting set up. A year ago, NordPass didn't seem to "just work" the way my old app did. I was frustrated. If you tried it early on, try it again (no, I don't work with them out get any benefit). I wish it had a section for passports (incl pics), membership cards (frequent shopper type), and a way to automate & share wifi passwords to everyone within our family plan.
The app & desktop versions worked fine up until a few months ago. Now I can't sync between desktop/mobile devices. New log-ins won't automatically save anymore, I have to manually input the info every time I create a new account. Also, even already established autofill info won't work anymore so I have to go into the app and manually copy/paste for email accounts or banking sites. I'm upset about having paid for the premium service only for it to stop working less than 6 months into it.
Crashes/bugs. At first I really liked the functionality of the app. But as time went on it was crashing on the windows desktop quite often. Sometimes it would also crash on Android phone. Also another huge drawback, it does not work on Chromebooks at all. There is no support/app for Chromebook.
Really really bad. Slow app the PC and mobile versions. A lot of trouble to login, also asks for two or more times to save passwords of the same site, doesn't work on all the sites, PC version sometimes freezes, the web can't autodect if I have the app installed, always asks if I have it. The products of this company have serious coding issues. The VPN product is also mediocre.
Overall great program, great password management. I use it all the time on my phone, tablets, and computers. My one complaint is trying to get past it when it pops up on some websites or apps. That's very annoying and frustrating. But I have tried several other password managers... and this is the best.
Meminta pembaruan aplikasi
Ditambahkan Denis Rubinov
Versi: 4.3.10
Ukuran: 70.5 MB
Diperbarui: 31.01.2024
Developer: NordVPN S.A.
Batasan Usia: Everyone
Diunduh di Google Play: 1595531
Kategori: Kerja
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