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versi Android

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Informasi aplikasi

Ditambahkan: Denis Rubinov

Versi: 4.8.1

Ukuran: 179.1 MB

Diperbarui: 08.04.2024

Developer: Habby

Batasan Usia: Everyone

Diunduh di Google Play: 5972583

Kategori: Teka-teki

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PunBall adalah spin-off menarik dari permainan Archero di mana Anda harus menghancurkan gerombolan monster berbahaya dengan cara yang tidak biasa.

Apa itu permainan PunBall

Menurut plot permainan, zaman kuno, Zeus menciptakan peradaban di tanah yang dulu tandus. Setelah beberapa waktu, sang pencipta berpaling dari ciptaannya dan Shadow menyerbu dunia. Sekarang hanya satu penyihir yang berdiri di antara seluruh dunia dan kekuatan kegelapan. Tugas Anda adalah membantunya. Gameplaynya mirip dengan pinball. Anda akan meluncurkan bola ajaib dari bagian bawah layar sedemikian rupa sehingga mereka menangkis rintangan dan menimbulkan kerusakan sebanyak mungkin pada musuh. Yang terakhir tidak akan tinggal diam menunggu nasib mereka: setiap belokan, mereka akan menerima bala bantuan dan bergerak satu sel lebih dekat dengan Anda.

Perlu ditambahkan bahwa permainan memiliki sistem pemompaan. Dengan menghancurkan lawan, Anda akan mendapatkan pengalaman dan dengan demikian meningkatkan level karakter Anda. Dengan setiap kenaikan level baru, Anda dapat memilih salah satu dari tiga keterampilan. Masing-masing dari mereka akan membawa fitur baru ke karakter, yang mungkin memerlukan pertimbangan ulang taktik permainan. Pilih dengan bijak, karena Anda tidak akan dapat membatalkan keterampilan yang dipelajari sampai Anda memulai kembali atau menyelesaikan level.

Yang membuat game ini unik:

  • ribuan level yang dapat dimainkan di lokasi yang berbeda;
  • berbagai macam musuh;
  • jumlah kemungkinan kombinasi keterampilan yang hampir tak terbatas;
  • grafik dan animasi berkualitas tinggi;
  • tugas harian dengan hadiah;
  • pengoptimalan yang baik;
  • dukungan penuh untuk ponsel cerdas dan tablet:
  • terjemahan ke dalam bahasa Rusia;
  • < li>perbaikan karakteristik karakter menggunakan peralatan
  • < li>peralatan leveling.

Apakah Anda menyukai game Archero? Maka kami sarankan untuk mengunduh spin-off-nya: aplikasi PunBall untuk Android. Gim ini didistribusikan secara gratis dan sangat cocok untuk pemain dari segala usia.

Permainan PunBall telah diperiksa oleh antivirus VirusTotal. Sebagai hasil pemindaian, tidak ada infeksi file yang terdeteksi oleh semua tanda tangan terbaru.

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Cara memasang PunBall

  1. Unduh file APK game dari apkshki.com.
  2. Temukan file yang diunduh. Anda dapat menemukannya di baki sistem atau di folder 'Download' menggunakan manajer file apa pun.
  3. Jika file yang diunduh berekstensi .bin (bug WebView di Android 11), ubah namanya menjadi .apk menggunakan pengelola file apa pun atau coba unduh file dengan browser lain seperti Chrome.
  4. Mulai penginstalan. Klik pada file yang diunduh untuk memulai penginstalan
  5. Izinkan penginstalan dari sumber yang tidak dikenal. Jika Anda menginstal untuk pertama kalinya PunBall bukan dari Google Play, buka pengaturan keamanan perangkat Anda dan izinkan penginstalan dari sumber yang tidak dikenal.
  6. Lewati perlindungan Google Play. Jika proteksi Google Play memblokir penginstalan file, ketuk 'Info Lebih Lanjut' → 'Tetap instal' → 'OK' untuk melanjutkan..
  7. Selesaikan penginstalan: Ikuti petunjuk penginstal untuk menyelesaikan proses penginstalan.

Cara memperbarui PunBall

  1. Unduh versi baru game dari apkshki.com.
  2. Cari file yang diunduh dan klik file tersebut untuk memulai penginstalan.
  3. Instal di atas versi lama. Tidak perlu menghapus instalasi versi sebelumnya.
  4. Hindari konflik tanda tangan. Jika versi sebelumnya tidak diunduh dari apkshki.com, pesan 'Aplikasi tidak terinstal' mungkin muncul. Dalam kasus ini, hapus instalan versi lama dan instal versi baru.
  5. Mulai ulang game PunBall setelah pembaruan.

Riwayat Versi

PunBall 4.7.1
08.04.24 165.7 MB Download
PunBall 4.8.0
08.04.24 179.1 MB Download
PunBall 4.5.1
01.02.24 181.7 MB Download
PunBall 4.6.0
01.02.24 163.1 MB Download
PunBall 4.6.1
01.02.24 163.1 MB Download

Ulasan untuk PunBall

10 nilai

Great and a lot of fun. Later you hit a wall as the monsters get tougher, however the developers are very generous in giving away in-game currency in multiple methods (daily challenge, daily tasks, seasonal events, etc). I do have 2 gameplay complaints. 1) When the ball count gets around 30 and more the character will reposition herself to the new location in mid-stream of her shot. This throws off the aim of half the balls every shot 2) Sometimes the balls recall earlier than they should.

Fun and addictive. Don't really like how this new game mode basically resets your character for it. On the easiest level it's almost impossible to beat. You get hit twice and your dead. The only way to ascend your alter is to beat these levels that are unbeatable. I just don't see why you can't keep the stats and health you already have

This game is literally the best time killer you could ask for. You get plenty of rewards that help you progress fairly quick. My main issue with the game though, is that a lot of your progress is made by spending gems on loot crates. I think this game would do a lot better if progress could be made more in-game instead of through the menu. If the devs read this, I would suggest adding better loot drops in the levels themselves. Overall a pretty good game though. Would recommend for busy people.

Games much less enjoyable and excessively harder to play with sudden and new 60 second timer before auto recall. Compared to most "brick breaker" games this one was unique due to the monsters attacking/ killing them as the bricks and the combo aspect of the game allowing for additional rewards based on combos. This is almost useless with such a short timer.

From 5 stars to 2 stars. New update ruined the game a bit. New timer recall is awful; especially with the combo aspect. It was a fun game that I may continue to play, but not forever. Maybe not a week more. I've made it to lvl 65 without spending money. The store prices are insane. You will pay upwards to $400 for an item, but not guarante you get the item you want. This is not some uber AAA game that will blow your mind.

Quite a fun game, and even if it's pay to win, the biggest reason why I uninstalled was because the descriptions for armor/ weapon items are lies. Some of the items that say they do a certain thing, don't do it at all. I got an armor piece that said "if there are over 15 enemies in the board, damage is dealt to all enemies." That doesn't happen. Another piece saying that "damage is returned to attacking enemy". That doesn't happen either. Not going to play a game that lies to my face.

Hella fun. Hella addictive. The sounds and animations are dope. If I had to, I would pay for this. (EDIT 3/22/22) Was a 5 star but I have been experiencing glitches fairly often. Some of the balls don't hit or register. Just kind of gloss over enemies. Sometimes a ball will magically disappear off the screen instead of bouncing until the enemies are defeated. This game seemed like it was perfect but maybe that was the first few levels...

I was totally obsessed with this game! I played it nonstop and even spent a lot of money on it. Lately it feels like it's wanting me to pay even more money to keep up. Progressing through the levels is getting increasingly difficult, and leveling up does not keep pace with the difficulty (increases in health and attack don't make a difference anymore). Very obvious that the more you play, the more you have to pay. I may come back if they scale it correctly.

I'm enjoying it so far! Gameplay is fun, and it's great thay it's not constantly being interrupted by ads, as so many other games do. Ads are present, yes, but they're not forced. They're merely there as an option if you need a quick boost. Same goes for premium/cash content (gems, etc.) This is one of the more generous games I've seen when it comes to allowing you to earn premium content through regular gameplay.

Honestly a pretty fun game. Heads up you will loose a lot. This isn't a game where you can just keep going through every level. This is a grinding game. You loose then try again and again and again till your RNG hits just right. The levels are very reliant on monster spawns and I think that's fine. Just keep playing and getting better loot each battle. 👍
