Ditambahkan: Denis Rubinov
Versi: 7.22
Ukuran: 27.5 MB
Diperbarui: 21.12.2021
Developer: Creative music dj apps & games
Batasan Usia: Everyone
Kategori: Musik dan audio
MixPads adalah aplikasi untuk membuat campuran dan komposisi musik Anda sendiri di hampir semua genre, langsung di layar ponsel atau tablet Anda. Memberi Anda kesempatan untuk berkreasi dan membagikan trek Anda sendiri dengan teman-teman Anda.
Beberapa kata tentang MixPads
Pernah ingin mencoba membuat musik dan mencari mixer gratis? Maka Anda pasti akan menyukai program ini. Di sini, Anda dapat membuat musik dan ketukan hip-hop sendiri, membuat remix, dan banyak lagi, tanpa memerlukan peralatan tambahan. Semua yang Anda butuhkan akan selalu ada di ujung jari Anda, tepat di layar ponsel cerdas Anda. Dan tambahan yang bagus adalah adanya koleksi sampel kelas profesional yang besar dan diperbarui secara berkala.
Fitur utama aplikasi:
- 30 drum pad dengan loop musik asli.
- 9 efek audio kelas profesional termasuk reverb, flanger, delay, dll.
- Jalankan sampel secara terbalik.
- Gunakan sampel dari pustaka bawaan, atau muat musik Anda sendiri.
- Program ini dapat digunakan untuk produksi musik dan pertunjukan langsung.
- Menyempurnakan suara dan pencampuran.
- Rekam musik dalam kualitas tinggi, tanpa batasan apa pun.
- Merekam trek suara, dengan kemampuan untuk melapisi trek yang dibuat.
- Dukungan multisentuh.
- Aplikasi ini cocok untuk smartphone dan tablet dengan berbagai ukuran layar.
- Mendukung semua format audio populer termasuk mp3, ogg dan wav.
Dari apkshki.com, Anda selalu dapat mengunduh aplikasi MixPads untuk Android, sepenuhnya gratis.
Aplikasi MixPads diperiksa oleh antivirus VirusTotal. Sebagai hasil pemindaian, tidak ada infeksi file yang terdeteksi oleh semua tanda tangan terbaru.
Cara memasang MixPads
- Unduh file APK aplikasi dari apkshki.com.
- Temukan file yang diunduh. Anda dapat menemukannya di baki sistem atau di folder 'Download' menggunakan manajer file apa pun.
- Jika file yang diunduh berekstensi .bin (bug WebView di Android 11), ubah namanya menjadi .apk menggunakan pengelola file apa pun atau coba unduh file dengan browser lain seperti Chrome.
- Mulai penginstalan. Klik pada file yang diunduh untuk memulai penginstalan
- Izinkan penginstalan dari sumber yang tidak dikenal. Jika Anda menginstal untuk pertama kalinya MixPads bukan dari Google Play, buka pengaturan keamanan perangkat Anda dan izinkan penginstalan dari sumber yang tidak dikenal.
- Lewati perlindungan Google Play. Jika proteksi Google Play memblokir penginstalan file, ketuk 'Info Lebih Lanjut' → 'Tetap instal' → 'OK' untuk melanjutkan..
- Selesaikan penginstalan: Ikuti petunjuk penginstal untuk menyelesaikan proses penginstalan.
Cara memperbarui MixPads
- Unduh versi baru aplikasi dari apkshki.com.
- Cari file yang diunduh dan klik file tersebut untuk memulai penginstalan.
- Instal di atas versi lama. Tidak perlu menghapus instalasi versi sebelumnya.
- Hindari konflik tanda tangan. Jika versi sebelumnya tidak diunduh dari apkshki.com, pesan 'Aplikasi tidak terinstal' mungkin muncul. Dalam kasus ini, hapus instalan versi lama dan instal versi baru.
- Mulai ulang lampiran MixPads setelah pembaruan.
Ulasan untuk MixPads
I give it a 4 but more like a weak 4 and a strong 3. I like what they are doing with this app, I hope they continue the work they're doing, however, my downside is the lack of sound kits. Very minimal compared to other apps I use. Plus the theme seems to be 'pay to play'. I know they have bills to pay but there are too many beat making apps available with massive sound libraries that don't charge a dime. I do like the interface and effects. Just needs more sounds without the price.
This app would absolutely be worth the $8.99 to remove the ads and unlock all the features, but I'm not able to download the other packs, I'm always being given the "oops something went wrong" message, and apparently so are others. Now I'm not able to get a refund either. If the developer solves this problem, I will gladly update my review. Until then I consider this app a worthless scam, when there's so many better music apps that are free (like Bandlab), or cost less. I feel ripped off.
Loving the app, but some changes need to be made. Firstly, there needs to be an ability to rename files before downloading, as the auto-generated file name has invalid characters. Secondly, there needs to be a function to fade out tracks at the end, without having to use and external editor. For those who can't downlqad tracks to your phone or computer, you need to upload them to somewhere like GDrive first, where you can rename them and then download them. I hope the Developer resolves this.
It is fun using the app, but when I figure out a good music and try to record it, it records but when I stop the recording, the app crashes and so I canr share or save the music I create on the app. So it becomes pointless to spend time on this app. Feeling disappointed as I was waiting for months that developers would resolve it. But it didnt happen.
I love this app so much.It's not one of those music making apps where you have to pay in order to make beats.It's really fun,easy to use and rather addictive,but in a good sense.If I could,I would give this app 10 stars.One thing I wish was a feature would be the ability to combine different styles of music and maybe being able to maybe record all sorts of background vocals(such as Savage's voice in "Freaks")from other songs and being able to use them as vocal effects.
I had this app in 2019 and it was perfect; everything that I needed. But now most of the previously FREE features are only available in the premium version. If you want to be able to make remixes of already existing songs or try creating something more realistic FOR FREE then this is no longer the app for you.
There was a time that it was good, I really enjoyed it but now when I came back to it a few years later ... pure garbage. Can't download any packs and there are still ads even though I paid for the full unlocked version. Maybe when they fix it I can rate them it a 5 again. Who knows?
This app is exciting for a beginner because it has more than I have any skill in using allowing for expansion for my skill. WORTH BUYING app has lots of ads but lots given for those ads in return. Tons of options in free version but I'm buying it to get the rest to max out potential here. Highly recommended! Features like in app pads and mic use are awesome. No latency that I can detect with headphones wired!
I was ripped off doesn't deserve one star, I feel this app is just a sham! I think it's a fake app, to take what money they can! I bought the techno pack! Like ALL other downloaded content it says, oops something went wrong! Care to help me out with this? I'm giving one more day to rectify this, I will go to the play store and then if it's not taken care of the B.B.B.
Don't waste your time, every time I try to download a music pack, it says "oops, something want wrong" I've tried contacting them, nothing. Do you really think I would pay to have the"ads removed" ? You can't even get the version with ads to operate right.

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Ditambahkan Denis Rubinov
Versi: 7.22
Ukuran: 27.5 MB
Diperbarui: 21.12.2021
Developer: Creative music dj apps & games
Batasan Usia: Everyone
Kategori: Musik dan audio
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