Logo Epson iPrint

Epson iPrint





versi Android

Minta pembaruan

Informasi aplikasi

Ditambahkan: Denis Rubinov

Versi: 7.12.1

Ukuran: 74.9 MB

Diperbarui: 15.11.2023

Developer: Seiko Epson Corporation

Batasan Usia: Everyone

Diunduh di Google Play: 65339406

Kategori: Alat

Bagikan di media sosial


Epson iPrint - aplikasi ini memungkinkan Anda terhubung dengan cepat ke printer Epson dan mencetak dokumen apa pun yang Anda butuhkan dari ponsel atau tablet, tanpa menggunakan komputer.

Apa itu Epson iPrint untuk

Berkat program ini, Anda tidak perlu mencari komputer untuk menyalin dokumen yang diperlukan dan mencetaknya di printer. Sebagai gantinya, instal versi terbaru aplikasi Epson iPrint di ponsel cerdas Anda. Ini akan memungkinkan Anda untuk dengan mudah terhubung dari jarak jauh ke printer kapan saja, di mana pun itu: di dekat Anda atau di sisi lain planet ini. Saat koneksi dibuat, program akan menawarkan untuk mencetak foto atau file MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, atau PDF, tanpa koneksi kabel langsung ke perangkat.

Fitur utama program:

  • Mencetak foto dan dokumen dengan cepat.
  • Mencetak file dari memori perangkat atau penyimpanan cloud.
  • Memindai dokumen.
  • Fungsi pengambilan dokumen dari kamera gadget, dengan dukungan editing.
  • Kontrol penyalinan dokumen.
  • Periksa level tinta printer dari jarak jauh.
  • Diagnostik printer jarak jauh.
  • Informasi referensi yang detail dan mudah dipahami.

Daftar printer yang kompatibel dapat ditemukan di situs web resmi produk.

Apakah Anda memiliki printer Epson? Kemudian unduh aplikasi Epson iPrint untuk Android dan cetak dokumen atau foto apa pun secara gratis langsung dari ponsel cerdas atau tablet Anda.

Aplikasi Epson iPrint diperiksa oleh antivirus VirusTotal. Sebagai hasil pemindaian, tidak ada infeksi file yang terdeteksi oleh semua tanda tangan terbaru.

Menampilkan lebih banyak

Cara memasang Epson iPrint

  1. Unduh file APK aplikasi dari apkshki.com.
  2. Temukan file yang diunduh. Anda dapat menemukannya di baki sistem atau di folder 'Download' menggunakan manajer file apa pun.
  3. Jika file yang diunduh berekstensi .bin (bug WebView di Android 11), ubah namanya menjadi .apk menggunakan pengelola file apa pun atau coba unduh file dengan browser lain seperti Chrome.
  4. Mulai penginstalan. Klik pada file yang diunduh untuk memulai penginstalan
  5. Izinkan penginstalan dari sumber yang tidak dikenal. Jika Anda menginstal untuk pertama kalinya Epson iPrint bukan dari Google Play, buka pengaturan keamanan perangkat Anda dan izinkan penginstalan dari sumber yang tidak dikenal.
  6. Lewati perlindungan Google Play. Jika proteksi Google Play memblokir penginstalan file, ketuk 'Info Lebih Lanjut' → 'Tetap instal' → 'OK' untuk melanjutkan..
  7. Selesaikan penginstalan: Ikuti petunjuk penginstal untuk menyelesaikan proses penginstalan.

Cara memperbarui Epson iPrint

  1. Unduh versi baru aplikasi dari apkshki.com.
  2. Cari file yang diunduh dan klik file tersebut untuk memulai penginstalan.
  3. Instal di atas versi lama. Tidak perlu menghapus instalasi versi sebelumnya.
  4. Hindari konflik tanda tangan. Jika versi sebelumnya tidak diunduh dari apkshki.com, pesan 'Aplikasi tidak terinstal' mungkin muncul. Dalam kasus ini, hapus instalan versi lama dan instal versi baru.
  5. Mulai ulang lampiran Epson iPrint setelah pembaruan.

Riwayat Versi

Epson iPrint 7.11.1
15.10.23 75.4 MB Download
Epson iPrint 7.12.0
15.10.23 74.9 MB Download
Epson iPrint 7.11.0
05.05.23 43.3 MB Download
Epson iPrint 7.10.2
22.02.23 42.9 MB Download
Epson iPrint 7.9.1
06.01.23 42.9 MB Download

Ulasan untuk Epson iPrint

10 nilai

So far so good. Can't say that with every app. I'm able to print with my phone to the printer over wifi with like a 5+ year old printer and I'm at least half lit. Under five minutes once i had the right software being opened the right way. And yes i did some of the heavy lifting earlier, but i did take it home drunk. Very impressive to me I'd say that it is still supported, but it is a great printer.

As a college student, I need to be able to print from every device that I work from (phone, computer, tablet, etc.), at any given time. I frequently need to multitask, researching different sources, from multiple devices, simultaneously. This app is easy to use, is consistent and dependable, and rarely has any issues with connectivity, etc. The only reason I am rating it 4/5 is due to the very occasional times that require a forced reset, but honestly can't imagine not having this app. Thanks!

This app needs to be reconnected every time I have not used it for a few days. I leave the printer in standby but still does not matter. Going through the setup process to connect WiFi Direct every time I want to print is ridiculous. What I really expect from any print app is that when I press print from my phone no matter what the source is the printer will wake up and print. IS THAT SO HARD?

This app works good but one thing missing. Ability to read flash memory from cell phone so we can more easy select which picture to print. With seeing printer screen as small as it is, hard to tell two pictures apart if the two pictures look almost the same. This can be corrected if allowed to view flash memory from cell phone app.

This app is sorry in every sense. You can't select to print specifics on a page. Web pages don't print properly, they're on max zoom and you can't adjust it only for "photos" . It'll try to print ads and will overlap ads on the text and printable even though they're closed on the page. You cannot print or fit double images on one sheet. Forget about sending multiple jobs within 3-5 minutes you have to cancel or wait. Epson please put effort into 1 decent app not 12. Fix your web print

Use to work great, now I can't get it to find my printer, my printer is connected and so far Im the only one in the house with problems! I can't get the direct wifi to work, cant get the app to much of anything from my phone, and I don't want to have to that every time I want to print or anyone else for that matter. Idk what changed but it was not for the better. Will be trying to find a different app to use from my phone.

Auto correct and Sharpness is on by default. It seems that both should always be turned off. I forget to turn these off sometimes and they have ruined serveral prints. There is max number of pictures you can print at one time. Meaning you can not print a large batch of photos at one time. you have to split the prints and keep track of what you printed. On a phone this was hard for me to do. The app is usable but some and works fine for what i need it for, printing photos.

So far it works but has a limited interface and is a little hard to find options. Have now used it on two different phones. Once it is set up, in theory you won't have to go through the whole password setup routine. It took my phone (or the printer) two tries to print some photos... And if I started from photo gallery, it could not find the peinter at all. You have to start from the i print app, select photos, then print. It eventually sent the photos to the printer.

PROS: This is the only printer app that works with my tablet & my Epson printers. You have the option to select portrait/landscape, double sided, or save to PDF, etc. CONS: When my wireless printers are in sleep mode, the app says they are unavailable. Even when I wake them up, it still doesn't find them. The solution is to save the file to PDF then open it and print.

Excellent App. No lag. No disconnects. Compatible with all my devices. I think the reliability depends on the printer not just the app. My old epson had reliability issues that made me switch to a competitor, but with the new cartridge-less printer, the app works very well. I hope it continues to be worry free for some years.
