Ditambahkan: Denis Rubinov
Versi: 4.08.039
Ukuran: 30 MB
Diperbarui: 04.02.2024
Developer: HP Inc.
Batasan Usia: Everyone
Otorisasi: 17
Diunduh di Google Play: 16181435
Kategori: Kerja
Samsung Mobile Print adalah aplikasi untuk mencetak, memindai, dan mengirim file langsung dari smartphone Android secara nirkabel. Mendukung pengelolaan hampir semua printer dan MFP Samsung modern. Mobile Print membuat pencetakan lebih mudah dan tidak memerlukan kehadiran pribadi.
Aplikasi ini sepenuhnya Russified, dan semua fungsi gratis. Printer jaringan Samsung Mobile Print mendeteksi secara otomatis, model USB terhubung secara manual - yang, bagaimanapun, tidak akan sulit. Antarmukanya sangat singkat: panel utama, selain menu pengaturan, menyoroti fungsi utama - mencetak, memindai, dan mengirim faks.
Fitur utama aplikasi
Setelah menghubungkan perangkat (satu-satunya saat di mana printer dan ponsel cerdas harus berada di jaringan yang sama), pengguna memiliki akses tak terbatas ke fungsinya, pengaturan cetak, dan informasi tentang bahan habis pakai.
Samsung Mobile Print memberi Anda akses ke opsi kendali jarak jauh berikut:
- penemuan otomatis perangkat yang didukung di jaringan;
- konektivitas NFC yang cepat;
- mencetak dan memindai halaman hingga A3;
- saat mencetak: menyesuaikan ukuran gambar, menempatkan banyak gambar pada halaman;
- tersedia untuk mencetak teks, gambar dari halaman web;
- pencetakan satu sisi dan dua sisi, pilihan orientasi kertas saat mencetak dan pengaturan standar lainnya;
- memindai dokumen dengan kamera ponsel, pengeditan sederhana (membingkai, memutar);
- mengunggah dokumen yang dipindai ke komputer atau perangkat lain yang terhubung, mengirim salinan elektronik dan menyimpan pindaian dalam aplikasi;
- pilih format pemindaian (PDF, PNG dan JPEG) dan resolusi, sesuaikan skala abu-abu;
- dukungan untuk konten awan - Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, Box;
- mengirim faks;
- mode pencetakan rahasia untuk lingkungan perusahaan;
- memesan persediaan;
- tampilan visual status perangkat.
Media cetak dari jejaring sosial seperti Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, tumblr saat ini tidak tersedia.
Penting untuk dicatat bahwa koneksi internet yang stabil disarankan saat menggunakan aplikasi. Ukuran cetak maksimum dan ukuran lembar yang dapat dipindai, tentu saja, tergantung pada perangkat periferal. Saat memindai pada resolusi tinggi, mungkin ada peringatan kehabisan memori pada ponsel cerdas tujuan.
Aplikasi Samsung Mobile Print diperiksa oleh antivirus VirusTotal. Sebagai hasil pemindaian, tidak ada infeksi file yang terdeteksi oleh semua tanda tangan terbaru.
Cara memasang Samsung Mobile Print
- Unduh file APK aplikasi dari apkshki.com.
- Temukan file yang diunduh. Anda dapat menemukannya di baki sistem atau di folder 'Download' menggunakan manajer file apa pun.
- Jika file yang diunduh berekstensi .bin (bug WebView di Android 11), ubah namanya menjadi .apk menggunakan pengelola file apa pun atau coba unduh file dengan browser lain seperti Chrome.
- Mulai penginstalan. Klik pada file yang diunduh untuk memulai penginstalan
- Izinkan penginstalan dari sumber yang tidak dikenal. Jika Anda menginstal untuk pertama kalinya Samsung Mobile Print bukan dari Google Play, buka pengaturan keamanan perangkat Anda dan izinkan penginstalan dari sumber yang tidak dikenal.
- Lewati perlindungan Google Play. Jika proteksi Google Play memblokir penginstalan file, ketuk 'Info Lebih Lanjut' → 'Tetap instal' → 'OK' untuk melanjutkan..
- Selesaikan penginstalan: Ikuti petunjuk penginstal untuk menyelesaikan proses penginstalan.
Cara memperbarui Samsung Mobile Print
- Unduh versi baru aplikasi dari apkshki.com.
- Cari file yang diunduh dan klik file tersebut untuk memulai penginstalan.
- Instal di atas versi lama. Tidak perlu menghapus instalasi versi sebelumnya.
- Hindari konflik tanda tangan. Jika versi sebelumnya tidak diunduh dari apkshki.com, pesan 'Aplikasi tidak terinstal' mungkin muncul. Dalam kasus ini, hapus instalan versi lama dan instal versi baru.
- Mulai ulang lampiran Samsung Mobile Print setelah pembaruan.
Ulasan untuk Samsung Mobile Print
I've a Samsung Xpress m2070fw. I'm using a Huawei Prime Y7, running Android 7.0. Print and scanning used to work perfectly. Now, i just updated and scan files do not get saved, at least to the usual expected file location. However within the App i could see the scanned files but NOT in my card. One workaround which worked waz to Share the files to a dummy email account. From there, download the files ! Rather silly, but until the geniuses fixed the problem, life can go on !!!
WHAT THE H*LL SAMSUNG! Ever since the last update it is virtually impossible to connect my phone to the printer. Takes sometimes up to 40 attempts (no joke) or more to connect. It seems I always end up bringing out my laptop and connecting it with a printer cable in order to print a document. I don't understand whats going on. It use to work fairly decent before. I think its time to look into other printing options, because either the printer or the app really blow.
There's a bug with the version updated around Nov. 2019 where scanned pdf files have nothing but blank pages, which makes the scanner unusable or useless. Also, the scanned images are no longer stored to the Scan folder as they used to be but to a secure folder somewhere that cannot be found, which seems to cause problems with sharing with other services such as Google Photos.
I have a samsung 2070 wireless scanner/printer. Before updating the app I could put a paper on the flatbed and scan PDF. When I scan in pdf I only recive a blank page on my note 8. Now only Jpeg or png format is available. This is one problem, the other major problem I cant acess the files outside the app, I cant open a folder to acess the file. I can only share This is really cumbersome and makes writing emails and sending documents as attachments a real pain. I expected more from Samsung.
Every time I reboot my phone this app pops up as crashed. I've checked to make sure have newest version. I know next step is to do reinstall and other troubleshooting which I haven't gotten around to yet. Still to get 4 to 5 stars app needs to work for me properly from the start. If I start trouble shooting and not fixed fast I would rate even lower.
Is this app going to be updated so that it can set up a wireless printer without being blocked by Google for accessing sensitive info? It's no longer an option to enable less secure apps. If it detects an error, it'll be useful to the user for it to stay in screen to be able to read it rather than just hear a beep and it go back to the default screen.
This app was working fine until recently. Now my scans are cropped and only a little part (like a thumbnail) is showing in the final output. This is extremely painful as I am not able to use the scanner. Can you please fix it...I mean it was working fine before, so it's probably one of your recent updates. (I tried using both Android 9 and 10 - same issue)
Latest update is USELESS if you want to scan to PDF, and save the image on anything other than the app. I contacted them, and they say "can't write files in external storage, because it may be accessed by other applications". However, use the PREVIOUS VERSION, and you're OK. So, email them, give them hell, and maybe they will understand that this app has left thousands of users with scanner printers that are now pointless....
It really does work. I'm using my Samsung Galaxy s7plus 5g tablet and I don't know why its not working for some others but for me it's actually really very good. It has lots of functionality like scan, print, fax etc. I've used it many times and it's worked every single time! One other thing worth mentioning is that I have it connected to my lazer printer through a cable and not by the WiFi option. I don't know if that makes any difference to some of the other comments stated here?
Samsung Galaxy S8+, a damn flagship phone and Samsung M2026W printer. Should work, right? Nope. Checked all router settings, disabled all security features on the phone, this app still won't see the printer, even though it's on the same network and I managed to get it connected to three editions of Windows and several Linuxes. So the printers is there, accepts jobs from PCs and laptops, just this app can't locate it on the network. NFC also doesn't want to work, same as direct connection. I can get the phone to connect directly, but the app will still not see the printer. Immensly iritating. And there are no solutions to be found on the web either and Samsung's site has no troubleshooting guide. :/
Meminta pembaruan aplikasi
Ditambahkan Denis Rubinov
Versi: 4.08.039
Ukuran: 30 MB
Diperbarui: 04.02.2024
Developer: HP Inc.
Batasan Usia: Everyone
Diunduh di Google Play: 16181435
Kategori: Kerja
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